Welcome to the GuruMojo podcast, number eleven! Where it’s my job to share the wisdom and insights that I have found to be helpful to me in becoming a happier and more compassionate person. GuruMojo comes from the idea that everyone can take responsibility for their own spiritual life. There are so many practices and philosophies out there that it can be easy to miss the ones that may really speak to you and be the most helpful. For me, after some twenty-five years of seeking a higher truth, I have found some things that have brought me so much peace and happiness that I just want to tell everyone I know. Problem is, they don’t want to hear it. So I made this podcast. And if you’re listening now, there’s a chance that you’re a seeker too, and maybe there’s a reason you’re here. I mean, of course there’s a reason you’re here, in general, and a reason you found this podcast as well…

So, let’s get started…. But before we dive in, I’d like to introduce my new sponsor. I’m so happy to announce that today’s episode is brought to you by the good people over at shopgurumojo.com! Hey! That’s me! I’ve cobbled together a little webstore to help spread joy around the universe… That’s shopgurumojo.com. I’ll talk a little more about that later…. But I am really so grateful to the folks over at shopgurumojo.com for sponsoring this episode. Really it’s just me…

So let’s get into it!

I’m so excited to tell you all the great and amazing things I’ve been getting into lately! You may know that I have a long history of getting involved with ideas and practices that typically reside just outside of what our culture has deemed normal. Everything from Buddhism and meditation and yoga to psychedelic plant medicine and visionary art. Veganism?! All that weird stuff that all my family and friends are sick of me blabbering about! So I made a podcast and here we are. At least you can just turn this off whenever you want!

Now over the last year or so, I’ve discovered something really amazing. A few things, actually, that just might be the fringiest of all the fringe things. I’ve been consumed with reading up and studying this stuff and it all started about a year ago when I became aware of the modern practice and use of Tarot cards! Whaat?! I know! And, **spoiler alert!** the name of this episode is Crystals, Tarot, and Magick! So I think you have a pretty good idea where this is headed. We’ll see who makes it to the end!

So… Now we’ll see if I’ve been able pull this all together into something that makes sense….

As I have been practicing Buddhist meditation and awareness for just over 20 years at this point, I have also spent that time studying philosophy and listening to Alan Watts, and reading the Dalai Lama, and Ken Wilber, and stuff like that. As such, I thought I had just about played out all the exciting concepts and methods. Thought that I had pretty much figured it out by learning from the masters. Not that I had attained enlightenment or anything, but I had an idea of what it meant, and how to practice and live with happiness and compassion.

Then, about five years ago, I heard Jason Louv on the DTFH podcast, and heard for the first time that Magick, real magick, had mostly to do with meditation and self-improvement. Uh-say-what?! I had no idea, magick was definitely off my radar, but that got my attention. I started listening to Jason Louv’s “Ultraculture” podcast, which is really great, I haven’t had the urge to start a magical practice, but it is faaascinating. As it turns out, magick is simply the western esoteric practice. I’ve been steeped in the eastern esoterics, like my favorite flavor of Buddhism, Dzogchen, from Tibet. Jason Louve spells it out in his book, “John Dee And The Empire Of Angels,” speaking of magick as being the “Western esoteric tradition” and how it should really be called (quoting the book) it should really be called, “Esoteric Protestantism, that it is indeed the inner esoteric expression of the Protestant Reformation, and that it has played a guiding role in the spread of Protestantism and its ideals throughout the world. –(Ok… Interesting…..)

He goes on to say that – “All religions have an exoteric shell – a system of rules and dogmas for laypeople – along with smaller inner esoteric groups focused on mysticism, individual experimentation with spiritual techniques…. Examples include the tantric schools of Hinduism and Buddhism, the Holy Orders in Catholicism, the Kabbalists in Judaism, the Sufi schools of Islam, and many more.”

In addition to meditation, magick also involves making contact with angels, which is totally wild, of course and sounds like airy fairy make-believe until you realize that they are the same angels that are talked about in the bible. Like the archangels, Gabriel and Michael. They both show up in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The same Angels, the same dudes! Angeling around to anybody who will pay them any attention, apparently. These waters run so deep!

At first when I heard that John Dee, (read Jason’s book!) back in the 1500’s was receiving magical messages from angels, my eyes started to roll a little bit. What?! I mean if you’re not already into it, it sounds crazy when you hear something like that. But if you consider yourself Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, you may have forgotten that you already take for granted magical angelic messages that form the basis for your own religion. It’s not something we think about much, but those are supposedly the same angels. If we will believe those stories from our own religion, shouldn’t we consider that maybe those angels did happen to speak with some other people at some point? It shouldn’t be so unimaginable. At any rate, we’ve already basically agreed that there are beings from dimensions other than our own who, at times, have communicated with us.

There are so many parallels to the practices of these different religions and magick. If you have ever seen a Catholic mass, it is a finely tuned ritual, not so different from a magick ceremony. There are special robes to wear, dab yourself with some holy water, candles are lit, incense may be burned, there’s chanting or singing, an invocation of spirit, and ceremonial objects, with the mass culminating in the celebration of the Eucharist, where through ritual, bread and wine are transformed into the flesh and blood of christ that is then eaten and drunk up by the parishoners. That sounds crazy, btw… My wife is Catholic and she tells me that the bread and the wine are literally tranformed into flesh and blood, it is not a metaphor. And for the record, I have attended hundreds of Catholic masses.

What strikes me as so appealing about magick, is that it encourages a daily meditation practice, so that when there is something that one wants to manifest, one has the mental clarity and acute focus of awareness that it takes to successfully perform the ritual to make the thing happen. This falls into line with what I’ve been learning about manifestation. And it also occurs to me that a magickal ceremony that has a defined outcome, will in fact, act to reinforce the mental states needed to affect the outcome itself. You have to be clear on what you want in order to perform a ritual, and in performing the ritual, you are putting it out to the universe as your intention, and the confidence you must have in the process even to begin any such ritual is the knowing part of manifestation where you feel as if the thing has already been attained. As I understand it, having only begun to study it, the physical act of the ritual or ceremony is thoroughly more powerful than just practicing manifestation as a thought exercise. (Check out episode 9 for manifestation techniques….)

Ok, so I had this vague idea that magick was more about meditation and self-improvement back a few years ago, I didn’t deep-dive on it at that point, but it was there. Then about two years ago, I started listening to the Synchronicity Podcast with Noah Lampert, (also discovered him on the DTFH), talking about manifestation and Neville Goddard, but then he would mention tarot cards. And I was like, what?! This guy sounds like he knows what he’s talking about with all this self-empowerment and manifestation, and now what? Tarot cards?!!! I had never been exposed to tarot. It would only rarely even show up in a movie or something. It seemed silly to me. But the more he would talk about it, I began to get a sense that the cards were being used as a tool to spark the intuition. I became intrigued. I checked out some tarot podcasts and landed on Tarot Bytes, by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady. I highly recommend following her on IG @thetorotlady.

As it turns out, tarot is deeply spiritual. The cards are filled with symbolism that, when you have settled your mind and become present, can allow you to intuit answers to any questions you may have. They say that the tarot cards depict every situation that a person can find themselves in. Every life struggle or triumph is in there! The way the cards are designed is brilliant. There are many attributes and associations with numerology, astrology, the elements, and kabbalah. Now there’s a can of worms! I’m not 100% on board with astrology yet, but kabbalah amazes me. It has also been said that the study of tarot, in and of itself is a spiritual practice. That’s kind of where I am with it. It is a part of the stock and trade of magick as well.

So the way tarot works is that the images on the cards are used to spark your intuition. You begin a session by centering yourself and quieting your mind, as we do in meditation, then you ask a question, or the person you’re reading for asks a question. (You can pull cards for yourself as well as for other people.) You mindfully focus on the question as you shuffle and then you lay out a number of cards; there are different configurations you can lay them out in, called spreads, like the celtic cross, or a past-present-future spread. Then you look over them and see what images catch your eye, and ask yourself how these images might apply to the answer to your question. For example, the first card in the deck is called “The Fool” and is usually shown as someone embarking on a journey, often on the top of a cliff or a hill with one foot stepping off into thin air. The fool usually has a travel pack over their shoulder, all of this indicating the start of a journey, a new beginning, a bit of naivete. The fool is not wise, but has the sense of adventure needed to undertake new ventures. This can be encouragement for someone asking about starting a new business, but with a warning not to jump into it without some due diligence, some looking around for where you might want to land. Or take the ten of swords, in one popular deck, it shows someone lying face down on the ground with ten huge swords sticking out of them, its gruesome. But it can mean the end of a season of life, depending on the question, it could be the end of a career or a partnership. It can tell you the something is coming to a conclusion that might be painful, but that always will set you up for a new beginning. Or it could just mean back pain. It depends on the question.

What I really like about tarot is that it will almost always have that positive slant even after some doom and gloom. Also I like that it is your own interpretation that is most relevant. Each tarot deck comes with a guidebook that describes the meanings of the cards, but those are only a guide, there’s nothing rigid. As Theresa Reed always says at the end of her podcast, and yes, I’m saying this from memory, “…nothing is set in stone, the cards tell a story, but you write the ending.” What she is saying is that a prediction made in a reading should be interpreted as what will happen if nothing changes. What the cards offer is the insight into where things are headed so that if you don’t like that outcome, you can change your actions and change the result. A great place to start if you’re interested in tarot is Theresa’s podcast, “Tarot Bytes” they’re quick 10-15 minute episodes, all about tarot, if you start from the beginning, she explains everything and if that sparks more interest, then I highly recommend her book, “Tarot, No Questions Asked.” There are literally hundreds of decks out there and most of the ones I’ve seen are really beautiful. I’m currently in love with my Thoth deck created by Aliester Crowley, and stunningly painted by Lady Freida Harriss. The images are truly magical to behold, both beautiful and disturbing. Everything in a card is available to spark your intuition from the facial expressions of characters and different objects, to shades of color, or the way someone’s hand is posed. Something that stuck with me from a lecture I watched on YouTube of world-famous magician, Lon Milo DuQuette, is that when your mind is quiet and everything is still, the answers to a question are all around you, you can read them in tarot cards, or tea leaves, or just in the room around you. It’s like all of creation is telling you the answer if you would just quiet down and listen. So as far as that goes, the illustrations of tarot may be more helpful in sparking that awareness than deciphering shapes in a jumble of spent tea leaves.

Which will bring me to next thing I want to talk about…. crystals. Oh, crystals. I love crystals so much that I’ve started a shop online, you remember, the sponsor of our show, shopgurumojo.com. I’ve had this idea of having a little store where I can share books that I recommend, and maybe sell cushions for meditation, but you can get all that stuff on Amazon, and competing with Amazon seems silly. But what you don’t get on Amazon is a lovingly curated crystal collection. Oh my gosh…. Let me back up.

I started hearing about crystals on Noah Lampert’s Syncronicity podcast, just like the tarot cards. My interest was sparked. Then I remembered that my old favorite metaphysical shop here in Jacksonville,  the Midnight Sun, is about filled with crystals! I didn’t know the significance. I always thought they looked cool, and growing up at the beach, I’ve always liked hunting shark’s teeth, and loved finding some fossils here or there. Well, on Noah’s podcast, he interviewed his sister, who has an amazing crystal collection. And what do you know? Each different crystal has metaphysical properties associated with it. Again, interest peaked, I headed out to Midnight Sun to see what was what. I bought a book that I thought was going to help me understand how crystals are formed in the earth and to help identify which one was which. So I bought what seemed to be the most substantial crystal book on the shelf, “The Book of Stones” by Robert Simmons, and Naisha Ahsian. I couldn’t have been more wrong, or more impressed. This Book of Stones is not a boring, old encyclopedia of crystal identification, but rather it’s a huge, dazzling,  esoteric treatise on the metaphysical properties of crystals!

Now, if you’re as unfamiliar with these metaphysical properties, as I was, and I mean, I had absolutely no idea that this was a thing! Crystals have different associated metaphysical properties that correspond to different chakras, astrological signs, and emotions, ….they’re each assigned to one of the elements, they’re incorporated into Kabbalah, and lots more.

For example, reading from the Book of Stones, Amethyst is associated with the key words: Protection, purification, Divine connection, and release of addictions. Its element is wind, and its chakras are the third eye, the crown, and the etheric. In the description, Robert Simmons says, “…it is appropriate to view Amethyst as a stone of spiritual protection and purification. It can be an aid to curbing overindulgence and giving up bad habits. It can be used to assist one in quitting smoking, drinking, or drug use. It stimulates the crown chakra and is an aid to meditation, helping one to still one’s thoughts and move into higher states of consciousness. It can clear ones energy field of negative influences and attachments, and can thereby facilitate the creation of an energetic ‘shield’ -a field of spiritual Light around the body that wards off the negativity in one’s environment.” I mean….? Is that amazing or what? So this is all new to me. My mind is blown.

Here’s what they say in the book about Meditation with Stones: … … …(see book…)

These metaphysical associations go deeper. There is said to be a stone being, an actual consciousness that resides within each crystal. Let’s go back to the Book of Stones to the section “Who Are the Stones” It’s just three paragraphs, but I’m going to read the whole thing. ….. …. … …. … (see the book….)

So, yeah. I’m going to leave it right there for now. I would like to mention that Robert Simmons did publish a new book in 2020, called The Alchemy Of Stones, which is a deep-dive into what he was just talking about. I’m just digging into that, but it is amazing. Also, both books are available at shopgurumojo.com. And if you’re interested, check out Robert on YouTube, he actually reads and discusses the first few chapters of the new book, search Robert Simmons Crystals on YouTube and pick up the books if you like what you see.

That’s all for now. And if you’ve made it to the end, wow! Thank you! Please consider subscribing, rating, and reviewing the podcast, it really does help people find it, and I would be so grateful.

And don’t forget to check out my store over at shopgurumojo.com for some amazing crystals. I’m just getting started and I’m looking into having some tarot decks and some books available as well. And check me out on Instagram @gurumojo.crystals.

Thank you so much for tuning in. I wish you all the best.


GuruMojo Podcast #10 Yhang Quintero: Kava, Healing, Ayurveda, Plant Medicine, Connecting, and Community

010 Yhang Quintero

Welcome to GuruMojo Podcast number ten! I’m your host, Kenny Jenkins, and it is my job to bring you the wisdom and insights that I have discovered along my path to becoming a happier, and more compassionate person. GuruMojo is a concept that acknowledges everyone’s ability to take charge of their own spiritual life by deciding which ideas resonate with them.

When I sat down to talk with Yhang at Wildcrafters, it was March 9th (2020) about a week before the pandemic started to hit here in the US. It wasn’t quite headline news, but it was getting there, so it might be kind of weird to hear a conversation that doesn’t mention it. Things have changed so much in just a few months.

Currently, as I record this intro on June 7th, we are seeing this country try to come to grips with so much racial injustice. It has barely been two weeks since George Floyd was murdered by police in Minneapolis. Even calling it “racial injustice” seems too sterile to me. It belittles the reality that in this country, white cops are murdering black men all the time, and have been for hundreds of years. Is that right? Yes, HUNDREDS of YEARS. It makes me angry and it makes me sad. But what can I do about it, I’ve wondered. It does seem like this wave of protests is getting attention. With everyone having a phone and social media, this is getting more attention than ever before. That technology is why we can see so many of the murders taking place at all. Now we can see with our own eyes that this is happening when before all we had was the officer’s word against the victim’s word and they can’t talk because they’re dead. And the cops say it was justified and that’s the end of it. For HUNDREDS of YEARS!

As Martin Luther King said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” I believe that to be true. So many things that were terribly wrong with our moral compass have started to be corrected over time. When you look back over history, things we take for granted now would never have been talked about, much less put to a vote. Gay marriage, most recently, was not talked about as an actual possibility just 20-30 years ago. Interracial marriage was illegal in some states until a Supreme Court decision in 1967, and that’s me! My wife and I are an interracial couple and to imagine that when we got married in 2001, it would have been illegal just 34 years previous. We have two kids that wouldn’t exist if that was the case!

Women didn’t have the right to vote in this country until 1920! And Looking it up I see that they weren’t allowed to vote in France until 1944, 1952 in Greece, and in Switzerland, women were not allowed to vote until 1971! Really?!!

So the arc of the moral universe is indeed long, but to say that it bends towards justice, which it does, is not to say that we merely have to watch it and do nothing. I’m starting to realize that you just can’t “set it and forget it”. We need to do something to help it along. I found a great resource through Jack Kornfield that I’ll share. On jackkornfield.com, he links to an article called, “75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice” It’s a good read even if you are not a white person. Anyone who is wondering what they can do to help may find some good ideas there.

Also, Jack has started to stream his Monday Night Dharma Talks from the Spirit Rock Meditation Center. Get on his mailing list or check out the spirit rock FB page for more info on that.

Now before I play this conversation with Yhang, I want to offer up a really helpful breathing exercise that I’ve been using recently. It is great for calming anxiety, and I use it throughout the day just as a good grounding exercise. Also, I’ll use it if I have too many thoughts in my head when I’m trying to get to sleep at night.

What you do is to slow down your breathing just a bit, to where you have to control it. Use whatever count seems right for you, but you breathe in slowly and hold your breath at the top of your breath, then let it out and exhale slowly and then hold your breath at the end of the exhale. You can try it with me now. Go ahead and breathe in for 12345678, then hold your breath for 12345678, exhale 12345678, and hold 12345678, in 2345678, hold2345678, out 2345678, hold 2345678.

And that’s it. If you do that cycle for 10 breaths, your blood pressure goes down, you feel better. Do 20 or 30 breaths and see if it works for you. Keep the timing so that the exercise is a gentle one, don’t over-exert yourself, take it easy. Life is already hard enough.

And now that you are hopefully grounded and chill, sit back and enjoy this conversation with the amazing Yhang Quintero….. And be aware that as this is a conversation between two adults, so there is always the possibility of adult language….

All right! Come check out Yhang and the crew down at Wildcrafters in Jax, or if you don’t live in Jacksonville, maybe check to see if there is a booze-free bar in your city that you can support!

And don’t forget to check me out on Instagram @gurumojome and maybe consider supporting the podcast on Patreon.com/gurumojo

Thank you so much for your attention, I know it is precious.


009 Imaginal Techniques/Manifesting Reality

Hello and welcome to the GuruMojo Podcast #9! I’m your host, Kenny Jenkins, and I am committed to bringing you the wisdom, teachings, and practices that I have found to be helpful on my path to becoming a happier, healthier,  and more compassionate person. GuruMojo is designed to help you find your own path, and take responsibility for your own spiritual life.

Today I’d like to talk about the power of imagination and intention, and the realization of your own reality. This is something that I first heard about back when the documentary, “The Secret” came out back around 2006. It was my introduction to the Law of Attraction, and basically it tells you that you can have anything you want in the world, just by imagining it. You want a new house, imagine your new house and somehow, the universe gives you a house. Now, it’s a little more involved than that, but not much. And if you are completely new to the idea of the Law of Attraction, it is a great place to start. Its great if you want to show it to someone who has no experience with metaphysical concepts or New Age ideas. I was watching it with my mom recently and was just thinking, “man, this is great! This is perfect!” It’s on Netflix now, so check it out. The production is a little cheesy, ok, it’s a lot cheesy, but it’s a great into to these concepts.

That being said, there are a few lacking details to The Secret. So as I was unable to manifest my perfect life using the techniques there, they fell to the wayside over the years, and I kept with me a general sense of how we create our own reality with our thoughts, and have tried to be mindful of the words I use and the thoughts I think. Having an abundance mindset as opposed to a scarcity mindset. Like instead of worrying about not having enough money, saying to myself that “money comes frequently and easily”. I heard that from Allyson Grey around the same time. Knowing that if you focus your mind on the negative, the negative tends to manifest or continue.

So just in the last four months or so, I’ve been turned onto a couple of great resources that fill in some of the holes in the Law of Attraction concept put forth by The Secret. One of them is the Synchronicity Podcast with Noah Lampert. Amazing. Go check out Noah. He has been distilling the teachings of the other great resource I’ve just come across, Neville Goddard. Neville Goddard taught imaginal practices and that we create our world through our imagination. He died in 1972, and started teaching back in the 30’s. I’m really amazed that I haven’t heard his name until just recently. But on the other hand, they say that you only receive this type of information when you are ready for it. Which in and of itself is mind blowing. And by the way, that means that if you are listening to this podcast, that you are ready for this information as well! See what I mean? I mean, strap yourself in! This is life-changing information.

The concept that we create our world through our imagination is right in line with the Buddhist idea that everything we perceive is a projection of our own consciousness. It relates to magic in that the word abracadabra literally translates to “I create as I speak”. There’s Terrence McKenna’s idea that the world is created by language, literally, springs into being from our words. I think, therefore I am.

What was missing from The Secret, is the fact that we are already doing this, all the time. We are constantly creating our reality from our imagination. Goddard said that there is nothing anyone has ever experienced that we have not imagined for ourselves. The reason most of us are working jobs we don’t like or experience trouble and stress throughout the day is because we have imagined it that way. We don’t have a reason to imaging that today will be much different from yesterday. And the reason we got into this jam in the first pace is because we inherited the idea from our parents, form our culture, as did they, and so on. Call it consensus reality. We have all known ever since we were kids, that we would eventually have to leave school and enter the “real world”. That picture was never painted very pretty for us. Grown ups would say things like, well you have it easy now, so enjoy your childhood, you don’t have a care in the world, but that will change once you have bills to pay and a family to support. And they didn’t know any better, they were handed the same vision for themselves down from their parents. My dad would always say, “If was any fun, they wouldn’t call it work!” What?! What?! That is so wrong. Everything should be play, even work, especially work! Jesus said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

So you have imagined yourself into this very life, every day of it. And while I’m still trying to wrap my head around the full implications of this concept, it’s enough for me to accept it without being able to fully understand it. Did I imaging breaking my arm last year skateboarding with my son? Maybe, but damn, that’s hard to take. There’s the whole realm of deep tragedy that surrounds our lives with the suffering of others, deaths of loved ones, illness, and all those things, and I’m not here to say that everyone imagined those things for themselves, but maybe they did. I feel like I’m constantly picturing the worst case scenarios for my family and snapping myself out of some sick daydream of people close to me getting sick or hurt in the worst way. And as a parent, its my job to picture the worst things happening or else how will I ever know to tell my kids, don’t put that in your mouth! Don’t stand on that wobbly thing! I digress…. My point is that for our purposes here, we don’t need to delve all the way into how we have imagined the horror shows that pop up for us. I want to talk about imagining all the good stuff! Abundance. Happiness. Dreams that come true.

Now, to hear more about imaginal practices, be sure to check out Noah’s Synchronicity Podcast. I’m going to give you a few of his techniques here, but not all of them. He is a treasure trove of information!

These techniques are so easy. I’ve started to see results with even just a little practice.

The main techniques a visualization you do when you are in a drowsy state. It can usually be that sleepy time when your going to bed and are about to fall asleep. This state of consciousness is like a bridge between the dreaming world and your conscious state.

  1. You pick you desire, a wish, it could be anything you want. Money, relationships, a job, a car, literally anything you  want to have in the world
    • You enter that drowsy state, and in your mind, you imagine a short scene, with lots of detail, of having the thing you desire, you already have it. See it as real, if it is a house, what does the furniture look like, what kind of art is on the walls, is it on the waterfront, in the mountains. Details. The imagine how you would feel once the desire is fulfilled, look around and feel the feeling of having it. Wow, this is it, and include the thought, it’s just like I imagined it! Then go to sleep, carry on with your life, don’t give it much thought after that. And watch it unfold in your world. You can start small or go big! It’s fun to test it on small stuff. The trick is believing that it has already come true. If you imagine that it will happen, “someday” then that day will never come, it will always be “someday” Like this bar here in Jacksonville that always had a sign out front that said, “Free Beer Tomorrow” The sign was always up so the joke was that whenever you came in for the free beer, it was always, “nope, that’s tomorrow! So what can I get ya today?” You have to imagine that you already have it. Because you do!
    • Also, don’t concern yourself with how the thing will come to you. That’s nunya. Nun ya damn business! Just focus on having it already and how does that feel, and watch out! A small thing to practice on is a parking space. I picture the car backing out of the space exactly where I want to park and imagine the feeling of just pulling right in, so happy, so grateful, and it’s just like I imagined it! It’s almost scary how well it works.
    • The more you do this, the more confidence you get in the technique. Noah also talks about “pressure testing” where the thing you want doesn’t come fast enough, or doesn’t happen just the way you wanted it to. That’s just you testing your own faith in the process. You have to double-down and believe that this is true. You’ll see!
  2. Another technique is the audio version of the previous exercise.
    • Do the same thing, find your desire, a wish, go into that sleepy state.
    • But this time construct a scene where you hear the voice of a friend or someone you love saying “Congratulations, you did it” or “Wow its really amazing that you have this great job that you wanted, good for you” keep it vivid in sensory and the feelings you feel. Hearing these words of congratulations and admiration from a friend or loved one reinforces the effect. It cements the reality for you so that you can more easily believe that it is true.

There’s several more techniques that Noah talks about, check him out for sure, he gives a lot of credit to Goddard, but he definitely has a lot more going on himself than just that! Also, there’s a lot to be said for the fact that really, everyone in your life is you reflected back at yourself. We all come from the same source of pure consciousness, and therefore we are not separate from each other, but the same one being, pretending to be separate. So really you are just reminding yourself of these things. As Ken Wilber has said, didn’t you write all of these books just to remind yourself of who you really are? The world is a mirror, and if you don’t like what you see, you can change it. You really can. You just have to believe that it is possible.

So try it out and let me know what you think. Keep in mind that it is a life practice. It does take practice to get there. I’ve had some really amazing things happen as a result. For example, I recently led a group in guided meditation at an event here in Jacksonville. It is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but only recently had I started to imagine it with these techniques. Then, sure enough, there I was sitting in front of a group talking about meditation, just like I imagined it! So cool!!! That was at The Murray Hillbilly, the vegan restaurant I talked about a few episodes back. They’re doing a Mindful Mic Night on the third Friday of every month now. They just celebrated their first anniversary and they’ve won a ton of awards! Definitely check them our if you’re in Jax, especially on the third Friday of every month for Mindful Mic night!

So yeah, that’s this episode. Coming up I’m going to be doing more interviews. Talking about herbalism and visionary art. Definitely more to come…

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram as gurumojome, and gurumojo on FB. Also I’m relaunching the Patreon with more cool stuff. Some binaural beats, guided meditations, trippy music and whatnot, keep an eye out for that at patreon.com/gurumojo.

Thank you so much for listening!

I appreciate your attention…..   


008 GuruMojo Podcast… TOO BIG TO POST HERE!

Hello. This most recent podcast is too large to post on this site, (according to my admin page)! So please, if you would, locate the podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud, or one of the many other places where podcasts can be found.

009 GuruMojo Podcast: Mark Salter

Hello and welcome to the GuruMojo Podcast number eight! I’m your host, Kenny Jenkins, and it is my job to share with you the wisdom and insights I have found on my path to becoming a happier and more compassionate person. I want to help everyone to take responsibility for their own spiritual progress. The idea with GuruMojo is that you can be your own guru and find what works best for you. So if something resonates with you and you think you can benefit from it, awesome! Give it a try and maybe share it with someone you think might want to hear it. If you hear something that doesn’t sound quite right, that’s ok too, just leave it. No worries.

Today I’d like to share with you a conversation I had recently with a friend of mine, a great guy with a vast knowledge that spans many topics as you will see, a quasi-brother-in-law, twice removed, Mark Salter. In this conversation, Mark talks about such diverse subjects as gut-biome, antibiotics, forestry and foraging and agricultural history, plant medicine, magic mushrooms and ancient culture, mantra meditation, Japanese forest-bathing, we talk about cancer and epigenetics, and much, much more…. we even talk about Atlantis! I mean… it’d almost be easier for me to list the few things in this world that we didn’t talk about! Also, I should mention that there is a brief mention of sexual abuse you should be aware of, as well as some adult language. All of this while we walk a nature trail at the Jacksonville Arboretum here in Jacksonville, FL. We walked 3.9 miles through beautiful, natural Florida trails with me holding up my mini-recorder and trying to keep up. That being said, I think it sounds pretty good, you’ll hear me tromping around, (Mark was barefoot), we pass some other folks on the trail and say good morning, some planes fly over… It’s like you’re right there on the trail with us! There’s even a little bit after we say goodbye when we were talking in the parking lot and Mark was like, “oh, you should record this…” so listen for that… Mark is such an amazing guy. I’m so grateful to him for taking the time to share his knowledge. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

But before we dive into this conversation, I just wanted to say that if you enjoy this podcast, please take a moment to give it a 5-star rating on iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts, with maybe a review? It helps other like-minded people find the show and I’d be so grateful. Anything less than five stars? I don’t know why you’d bother really….

Also, the best way to reach me with a question or comment is on Twitter @gurumojome, also follow me on IG by the same name, or check me out on FB at gurumojo. Also, there’s a Patreon if you’d like to show support there. Thanks so much, and without any further ado-whack-ado, here’s my interview with the amazing, Mark Salter….

Thanks again to Mark for sharing his time and wisdom! If you’ve listened all the way to the end of this epic talk, I’d love to hear from you! Just hit me up on twitter @gurumojome and say something like, “I listened to the whole thing!” It’s a lot to take in. Thank you so much for your time and attention! It is so valuable….

Until next time…


007 GuruMojo Podcast, Buddhism 101, What Is Buddhism?

What the heck is Buddhism Anyway?

007 GuruMojo Podcast, Buddhism 101, What Is Buddhism?

Hello and welcome to the gurumojo podcast number seven! I’m your host, Kenny Jenkins, and it is my job to bring you the wisdom and insights that I have discovered along my path to becoming a happier, more compassionate person.

On this episode, I want to give you a basic rundown of what Buddhism is. For me, the Buddhist teachings have been the main practice, the main influence that have helped me to grow as a more compassionate, a more centered and loving person. And before I knew what Buddhism was, you know, I didn’t know. It was off my radar. But then as I was starting my spiritual path, in my early 20’s, I came across the basic teachings and they just spoke to me. The Buddhist concepts just resonated with me as something that I already believed without having already put it into words for myself.

So here’s the basic rundown, it surprisingly simple, call it Buddhism 101, or Buddhism At A Glance. And let me offer this disclaimer: I’m not a trained teacher, I’ve studied and practiced mostly on my own for around 20 years. I like the idea that a second grader can teach a first grader, I’m just sharing what I’ve found. And let me also say that I’m not trying to be a guru, gurumojo is the concept that we can all be our own spiritual guides. Follow our own paths and find what works for us.

So what is Buddhism?

Well, let me tell you. Or rather, let me tell you what I think it is. Does it really work that way? I think so. To start off with, I don’t think Buddhism is a religion. It’s more of a philosophy. Buddhism is a philosophy that describes the ultimate nature of our human existence. Yes! This is going to be one of those talks! (Like, “oh brother, here he goes again about the ultimate naure of our human existence!”) Yeah… Buddhism lays out a system for living the happiest life possible. It includes a code of ethics. But there’s no god to pray to or worship. There’s no dogma to subscribe to. In fact the Buddha famously said often that you should not take his word on it, but rather discover for yourself what you believe to be true. And who is this Buddha character? I should probably start there. I’ll just give you the nutshell version and you can take it from there if you want to know more.

Before he became the Buddha, his name was Sidhartha, and he was an Indian prince who was born back in 623bc. He led such a completely sheltered life in his royal palace that when he was a young man, he ventured outside of the palace and for the first time encountered sickness, old age, and death. He had literally never seen a sick person, an old person, or a dead body up until then. Seriously… It hit him like a ton of bricks! Like, “What is all this suffering? What is death?” Well, he left the palace and gave up his royal life and became a wandering holy man in search of the answers to his questions about suffering and the human condition. So to make a long story short, he came up with the answer. He cracked the code. He had what could be described as a moment of ultimate realization. An epiphany. An awakening to the true nature of reality, also known as an enlightenment. What he came up with is known as, “The Four Noble Truths.” This is the basis of Buddhism. And here they are….

The first noble truth is The truth of suffering, as in “to live is to suffer.” As we all know, the deal with having a human body is that for all the joys and happiness, you will suffer. You will hurt, you will experience mental anguish, you will get sick and eventually die. Period. To live is to suffer. Got it.

The second noble truth is the truth of the causes of suffering. And this is huge. The cause of suffering is rooted in our expectations and our emotional clinging to the outcomes of our expectations. We think things are going to be a certain way and when it turns out different, we suffer. We get upset at each other, we get down on ourselves, we resent the universe for the crappy day we’re having. We experience mental anguish. If someone is rude to you, it upsets you because you were carrying an expectation that people would treat you with respect. If you truly expected that person to be rude to you when you saw them coming, it would not upset you, or even more accurately, if you were not clinging to the expectation of being treated a certain way, it wouldn’t upset you when that expectation was not met. See? We suffer because of our expectations. Ever hear that old pessimist quote, “Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed?” They’re on to something…. It’s just when they say it it has that crunchy little eh- “Expect nothing and you’ll never be disappointed…. Eh…” That’s the truth of the causes of suffering.

The third noble truth is the truth of the cessation of suffering. It is the truth that says there can be an end to the suffering. Glad to hear that! Check.

The fourth noble truth is the truth of the path to cessation. It is the method to be used to end all that suffering. This is the big one! This is what we’ve all been waiting for even if we didn’t know it! Good lord, do you have any idea what in the world could possibly end suffering of all humanity?! If you’re a listener of this podcast you might not be surprised to hear that it is, you guessed it. Meditation! That’s right, good ol’ meditation! Holy Moly Guacamole! Is that what this is all about? Is that why I’ve been pushing this stuff on everybody who will listen? Ah, yes… The end of suffering for all beings? That’s it. That’s my jam. Meditation……..  And what is meditation? Simply enough, meditation is placing your attention on a single object and focusing on that one thing for a while. Could be an image, a word, a concept, or most simply, your breath. Breath meditation is what I practice most. Anyone can do it, and here’s how, real quick. You find a place to sit quietly for ten, twenty, or thirty minutes. Close your eyes and notice your breath going in and out. Don’t try to breathe a certain way, just observe the breath. You can focus on how it feels when it goes in and out of your nostrils, or the feeling of your belly rising and falling. You will notice immediately that thoughts spring up and distract you and all of a sudden you’re thinking about what you’re going to do after you meditate, or tomorrow, or remembering something that happened to you. The instruction is to just notice that you’ve been distracted and simply note to yourself, “thinking” and go back to watching your breath. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking, “Oh, meditation is not for me, I have too many thoughts.” We all have too many thoughts, that’s the point, notice them and note them to yourself and gently place your attention back on the breath. Begin again. And again. After a while you’ll notice that it takes less time to realize that you’ve been distracted by a thought, and that you start to get distracted by them a little less frequently. That’s meditation.

The Buddha teaches us that when we quiet our minds and go within, we learn to loosen the grip our mind has on our expectations. We learn to realize the moment we start the cycle of being upset by something and are able to take the time to observe those feelings and let them go because there is no reason to allow ourselves to get caught up in afflictive emotions thereby increasing our suffering. Even worse, when we suffer like that, we will usually inflict suffering on someone else by either lashing out or turning away from someone, or just moping around. There’s a million ways we spread our suffering around to others. Misery loves company? You betcha! And so often we are so self-centered that we don’t even realize that we are doing it.

So, yeah, meditation is the key. A consistent meditation practice allows one to move more freely through the world. You’re more able to take things as they come and accept your reality. It’s the serenity prayer, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” It’s about having that serenity to accept the things we can’t change. And good lord aren’t there a lot of those things?! And like the Buddha said, don’t take my word on it. Try it for yourself and see if you find it helpful. That was so refreshing to me as a young man in my early 20’s, after, in my late teens, having drifted away from the Christian dogma that I had been presented with as a kid. Which is normal at that age, I later discovered, to question such things, and now I realize of course, that Christ’s teachings are wonderful and beautiful, and full of truth. But to hear that the Buddha said, “Don’t take my word for it…” was something I had never heard at my Southern Baptist church growing up in Jacksonville, Florida. There it was literally, “If you don’t believe what we’re telling you, you will burn, burn, burn, for all of eternity. Burning. Don’t ask questions. We don’t do questions here. Believe or burn.” I’m 100% sure Jesus did not mean for it to be that way, but that’s another story for another time. Turns out that questioning and debate are a big part of Buddhism. They actually have a tradition of debate among the monks and masters over the details of the different philosophies.

Ok. Four Noble Truths, check…  What else is Buddhism besides the Four Noble Truths?

How ‘bout The practice of “doing no harm.” That’s a good one. There’s the concept that says if you can not help someone, then at least you should do them no harm. Sometimes for me that could mean that if I don’t agree with someone and I think they are being unreasonable, instead of trying to force them to see things my way, instead of throwing it in their face about how wrong they are, I just let it go. And I can never really know for sure if maybe I’m not the one who’s wrong and being unreasonable. And what’s the harm anyway of who’s right about whatever we’re arguing about. I mean unless we’re arguing about which wire to cut to disarm the bomb in some mission impossible scenario. I mean that’s an argument that’s probably worth having! But what are we really so upset about? Help others if you can, if you can not, then do no harm. For heaven sakes, we’re all suffering enough already as it is!

               Then there’s reincarnation. Ooooh, boy…. That’s big one. It took me a while to warm up to this one. And I’m not here to persuade you that reincarnation is real. You don’t have to believe in reincarnation to benefit from a daily meditation practice and the wisdom of the Four Noble Truths. And really who can be sure? The real deal is that we all get to find out when we die. So really, it’s neither here nor there, but it is a Buddhist belief that I want to touch on here while I’m trying to demystify Buddhism. I was finally won over on this concept by an eloquent and scientific explanation of reincarnation by the Dalai Lama in one of his books. But the essential line of reasoning is this: We can observe through meditation that we are not our bodies. We have human bodies, but that is not who or what we are, since we can observe our bodies, we are not that. We are not what can be observed. We can also discern that we are not our thoughts. Again through meditation, we can see that our thoughts spring up sporadically. We can’t control them, we can either cling to them or not, but we can observe our thoughts, so again, we are not what can be observed. We are not our bodies, we are not our thoughts, what are we? We are pure awareness. We are that which observes. Quietly, peacefully, watching the movie that is our lives as it springs to life right before our very eyes. This awareness has also been referred to as “the witness.” As it simply witnesses everything without judgement. Pure awareness. And this awareness is part of a continuum. Every moment of this awareness depends on its previous state, it is created out of and depends upon its own previous state. Now follow me on this. That previous moment of awareness depends on its previous moment, and so on. A continuum of previous states. In that way, our awareness is timeless, it stretches endlessly back in time and in the same way, it goes forward, endlessly. It can have no birth if every moment is dependent upon the previous moment. And at this particular moment it has taken up residence inside your human body. We don’t know how or why, but it has. And when this body dies, the pure awareness will continue, and it will continue to find its way into another form, another birth, and do it all over again, just as it has already done countless times.

A really beautiful concept relating to reincarnation says that we have all been reborn so many countless times, that everyone you meet, at one time or another, was your mother, (and you have also been their mother) and by that notion, every person deserves your love and compassion and respect as your mother does for having loved you and cared for you. (They go on to say that even if you don’t have a great relationship with your mother, that at the very least, she loved and cared for you enough to make sure that you were born and cared for properly because you couldn’t have made it this far otherwise.) So, love everybody.

And there’s the concept that we are reborn through the whole gamut of lesser animals so that when you finally achieve a human birth, this is your big chance to become enlightened, so don’t screw it up! Other animals don’t have that chance.

So yeah, reincarnation. Take it or leave it. It either is or it isn’t.

Then there’s karma. Ohhhhhh, karma. So misunderstood. The word Karma literally means action, and that’s physical or mental action. And all the actions we take leave a sort of a mark on our soul if you will, a residue that has come to be known as karma. We accumulate of karma, both good and bad, based on our thoughts and actions. Karma is like your spiritual credit report. If you’ve ever checked your credit report online, which of course you have, (or else what are you doing with your life?! Check your credit report!) If you’ve ever checked your credit report, some sites have like a little gas gauge that has colors on it red to yellow to green. I wish you could check your Karma report online! On second thought maybe I wouldn’t want to see it. Anyway…

There are three components to how karma is created. The one most people are familiar with is the physical action. When you do something, either good or bad, it creates karma. Whether you’re robbing a bank or helping an old lady across the street, you’re accumulating karma.

The second aspect is your intention. Whether or not you did something on purpose or by accident, whether or not you just had the intention but did not follow through, also influences the old karma-meter. Like if you had the idea of robbing the bank, but didn’t actually go through with it, you will still get some karmatic residue built up depending on if it was just a passing thought, “Oh, I might want to rob a bank someday,” or if you spent months planning it and obsessing over every detail only to chicken out at the last minute. That has an influence. So that old saying about the road to hell being paved with good intentions? Not true. It sounds cool and snarky, but having good intentions is very important.

The third aspect of karma is how you felt after you did the act. If you did rob that bank, but deeply regretted it afterwards, you would incur slightly less bad karma than if you robbed that bank and were super stoked about it afterwards. And I’m oversimplifying to illustrate, and for sure, I don’t mean to belittle any bank robbers out there who may be listening. I know it’s tough out there, and things are complicated, but at least you’ve found this podcast and maybe that’s a good thing. So there’s intention, action, and then how you felt about it afterwards. The actual Buddhist teachers say that the effects of karma are reflected through many, many lifetimes, and that “instant karma” is not a thing. Like if you’re walking down the street and you say something mean to your girlfriend and immediately trip over something. That’s not a thing, but I don’t know, it seems to happen all the time, doesn’t it? Or is that just me?

It is believed that your karma influences you next birth and what kind of life you may be born into. Like if you were greedy and self-centered in this lifetime, you may be destined to be very poor in the next. I’m really simplifying it of course, it’s not just some cosmic cookie cutter stamping out lifetimes, but who am I to say?

               Then there’s Enlightenment. Now we’re talking! What is enlightenment? The term “Buddha” means “the awakened one” When the Buddha had his realization about suffering and the human condition and the Four Noble Truths, that is considered to have been his enlightenment. But it goes deeper than that. Included in that realization is the fact that we are all one. We are not only interconnected socially, but we are truly one, not separate. It’s the concept that we are not our bodies, we are not our thoughts, we are pure awareness, and that pure awareness is one thing, we are not all separate pure awarenesses. I’ve heard it described this way. Picture a bright light, like a bare light bulb, and imagine you’re holding a piece of cardboard in front of it blocking the light. Then imagine that there are a bunch of tiny pinholes in the board letting through little beams of light. We are like those little beams, appearing to be separate, but we all come from the same source, in fact we are all the same light, only appearing to be separate. It is the concept of nonduality, and it pertains to every single thing we can perceive. We are not separate from anything or anyone. A beautiful concept that I love is that when you are lying to someone, you are disrespecting that person by pretending that you are separate from them, so really what’s the point. You are really only lying to yourself. And because of this concept, I’ve long held the idea that if you lie to someone, they know they are being lied to. They may not call you out on it, and they might not be sure of it themselves, but on some level, they know. So stop lying everybody! Sheesh… And speaking of being one with everything,  I’ve heard Jack Kornfield quote Alice Walker so many times, But one day when I was sitting quiet and feeling like a motherless child, which I was, it come to me: that feeling of being part of everything, not separate at all. I knew that if I cut a tree, my arm would bleed. And I laughed and I cried and I run all around the house. I knew just what it was. In fact, when it happen, you can’t miss it.” Yes. That really is it! We are all one thing. And there’s also the joke about the Buddhist monk ordering a hot dog and he says, “Make me one with everything.” Yep, a buddhist dad-joke. Who knew?

               Now, Speaking of Enlightenment leads us to Nirvana. Nirvana is the release from the cycle of reincarnation. They say that after you finally awaken to the true nature of reality, that when you die, instead of being reincarnated once again, you instead return to the source of pure awareness. That’s Nirvana. Now there is the option of becoming a Bhodisattva. Not to muddy the waters too much, a Bhodisattva is someone who has taken a vow that upon their death, they will refuse Nirvana and instead choose to be reborn so that they may return to help others become enlightened, over and over again until all beings have been awakened. That’s a lot. There’s many different versions of the Bhodisattva vow, but it is basically something like, “Beings are numerous, I vow to save them all.” Funny part about that is, as Jack Kornfield like to point out, you pretty quickly realize that they don’t want to be saved! Especially your family and friends! It’s so true, the best you can really do is to work on yourself and be kind to people, be compassionate and available, and that helps them. If you can ease anyone’s suffering even a little, that helps. That’s why I’m doing this podcast.

Another remarkable thing about the Buddha, is that he was able to teach for so many years. While we don’t have exact dates, it is generally agreed that he started teaching around age 29, and died in his eighties. So right around 50 years of teaching, which is remarkable when you think that Jesus was only able to teach for a few years before he was killed.

Also, it is believed that there are and have been many buddhas, and that this particular buddha just happened to be the one that brought the teachings this time around. And as I like to say, since a Buddha is an awakened being, that Jesus is one of my favorite Buddhas. Likewise, having said that Buddhism is more philosophy than religion, it just so happens that a meditation practice and an understanding of the Four Noble Truths will not interfere with any other religion you may already practice. The Dalai Lama says to stick with your own religion, it is important. You can still benefit from a meditation practice without being a Buddhist, and “do no harm” is pretty universal.

And as a side note, since I’m trying to demystify Buddhism, I should clarify who the Dalai Lama is. You hear it all over the place and I’ve made a couple of references to him on this podcast . The Dalai Lama is basically the head-Buddhist monk of the Tibetan people who have a very rich Buddhist history, he is their spiritual leader. He has written a lot of great books that I recommend to anyone.

It is also said that says achieving Buddhahood is often mistaken for gaining something that you do not already have, because actually, you already have Buddha-awareness, you have always had it, you just haven’t realized it yet. In meditation, you can shift your awareness to what I like to call, “resting in the witness.” Sometimes I’ll use a mental cue and say to myself, “May I rest in the witness.” Or simply note the word, “resting”. There you can be with your own buddha nature, which is pure awareness, you merge with it. The trick of it is that it turns out to be simple to achieve, even if just for a short time. A meditation practice helps you get there and to sustain it for longer. You can sometimes try real hard and never get there, but then you can relax and all of a sudden kind of fall into it, or notice it, and realize that it was always there, always available, ever-present. The more you experience this vast expanse of awareness, the more you let go of things that are much less important. Like somebody cutting you off in traffic. That person is suffering, let’s get out of their way and do them no harm. They’re having quite a day. The more you experience your true nature, the more available you can be for your friends and family and coworkers who are also suffering. If you can be a calm presence for them, just that can help sometimes.

If any of this resonates with you, it’s because you already know it to be true. So often when I’m typing out what I want to say on these podcasts, I realize that I’m really trying to remind myself of these truths. We need constant reminders of these things or they tend to fall by the wayside, forgotten, replaced by the constant demands of our daily lives. There has been for me a cycle of finding these truths and living them every day, studying, practicing, and for years, it slowly slips away and the books gather dust on the shelves, and I forget. But as I was told early on in this journey, you always come back. And I have, over and over again. So keep that in mind if you find you have drifted as well. And gently remind yourself that it’s ok, this is all part of a cycle. You come back, you begin again, and again. In this lifetime as in all the previous lifetimes. And perhaps in the next.

All of these teachings I have received from great teachers and any of the mistakes I’ve made in relating them to you are my own. Please take from this what you know to be true, and leave the rest. I like to end these podcasts with the word, Namaste. It simply means, “the spirit in me recognizes the spirit in you.” Thank you so much for your generous attention.


Hey, before you go, I’d like to let you know that if you would like to support this podcast, you can head over to patreon.com/gurumojo. Most patreon projects offer lots of different levels of support with different rewards, I’ve set it up with just one level. Two dollars a month. That’s all. I’m looking to build this into a community of like-minded people. Two bucks a month gets you early access to podcasts, guided meditations that are not available anywhere else, and some other surprises along the way. I would really appreciate it if you’d like to support me in this project. And thank you so much to my current patreon supporters! You’re the best! That’s patreon.com/gurumojo.

Also, please subscribe to this podcast on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts and consider leaving a review, it helps to spread the word so other people can find it.

And check me out on Instagram and Twitter as gurumojome, and on FB as gurumojo.

Thanks again and have a wonderful week!

006 Gurumojo Podcast, Self-actualization, Veganism, Singing Bowl Meditation, Paddleboard Yoga

Welcome to the GuruMojo podcast episode number six! I’m your host, Kenny Jenkins, and I’d like to invite you to join me as I try to unravel the mystery of this incarnation, and get to heart of what really matters for us in this lifetime. It’s my job to share with you the wisdom of the great teachers I’ve come across in my search for what is true and good. I’m so lucky to be able to experience so many different things that bring me peace is this life and it would just be wrong for me to keep it all to myself. You know, if I can share just one thing with just one person and they can benefit from that, then I consider this all worth the effort. I’m no expert or zen master by far, by far-far. I don’t consider myself a teacher except that in the sense that it has been said that a second grader can teach a first grader. So basically, I feel like I can tie my own shoes, spiritually speaking, (most days) so maybe I can show you how to tie yours. And to go even deeper, I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. We all know this stuff, it’s just that we may need a reminder from time to time.
Thank you for your generous attention!
Kenny J.



005 GuruMojo Podcast, Meditation, David Nictern on the DTFH

This episode elaborates on a piece of great advice given by meditation teacher, David Nictern, when he was interviewed by Duncan Trussell on the DTFH Podcast.

004 GuruMojo Podcast: Podcast Recommendations, Inspiration, Is Meditation for Me?

Hello! I’m so excited to bring you episode number four! I talk about a couple of really great, inspiring moments from podcasts I love. There’s a bit from James Altucher interviewing Tony Robbins that blew me away, as well as a really touching moment from The Tim Ferriss Show when he interviewed meditation master, Jack Kornfield. I also tackle the question, “Is meditation for me?” Can you guess my answer! lol…

Thank you so much for your time. And don’t forget to breathe…


Kenny J.

003 GuruMojo Podcast, Headspace App, Sensory Deprivation, My Vision for the Future of Meditation

All right! Podcast episode 003 is here! I recently tried out sensory deprivation via float tank! In this episode I’ll talk about the experience, spoiler alert, it was amazing! I’ll also discuss my vision for the future of Meditation. Check it and let me know if you’d like for me to cover any specific topics or questions.

Thanks very much,

Kenny J.


Hey, check out podcast number two! (Click to play below). In this episode I rave about the Headspace app, and talk a bit about the awesome book, Tools Of Titans, by Tim Ferriss. I also hit upon the book How To Practice by the Dalai Lama, as well as talk about navigating levels of consciousness and Integral Theory. Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory Model has had a huge impact on my life, and I wouldn’t be meditating daily if I hadn’t found it. Check it out! I’ve also upgraded my audio equipment since episode one, so it will be a little easier on the ears.

Quick note: I have no affiliation with the people or products that I talk about or link to on this episode. I like them and benefit from them, so I want you to know about them. I am not compensated in any way for these endorsements.

Thank you so much for your time and attention.

Don’t forget to breathe…

Kenny J.